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Probiotics For Pups

If your pet suffers from digestive issues, diarrhea, skin & food allergies or other chronic illnesses, a

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42 % ​digestive probiotic will help to restore balance to your pet’s gut and improve their overall health. Often times, probiotics are referred to as “good” or “healthy” bacteria and they are necessary for a 30% ​healthy intestinal system. Some of the benefits of a probiotic supplement include:

• Supports your pet's immune system function by helping them remove toxins • Improved digestive functions and nutrient absorption • Reduced gas, both internally/externally (especially important for large breed dogs susceptible to bloat) • Supports production of B vitamins, especially folic acid and biotin, and vitamin K • Promotes mineral absorption • Reduction of food allergies/intolerance • Helps promote oral health • Stops growth of yeast • Reduces inflammation Many things can contribute to imbalance in your pet’s digestive tract. Too many antibiotics destroy both good and bad bacteria and stress, poor diet, pollutants, change and other drugs contribute to the imbalance as well. When should you use Probiotics? During times of stress such as vaccinations, grooming, changes in weather, transport or surgery, the administration of probiotics is always a good idea because these stressful events can cause a decreased appetite and weight loss. If you pet is undergoing treatment with antibiotics, you should also consider probiotics as antibiotics kills good bacteria along with the bad. How do you choose a good probiotic? A good supplement should have at least 10 such strains. The more strains the better as diversity will ensure that the good flora in your dog’s GI tract is varied enough to protect against all of the bad strains of bacteria. Here are a few examples of why diversity in strains is so important… • L. plantarum fights viral infections, cancer; • L. salivarius fights fungal infections such as candidia; helps the digestive system break down undigested protein and detoxifies the GI tract, may prevent colon cancer; • Lactic Streptococci protects against colitis and IBD (irritated bowl disease); • Lactobacillus caucasicus fights diarrhea; • Lactobacillus GG (L. rhamnosus), protects against respiratory illnesses, treats candida, colitis and diarrhea, reduces stress and anxiety. The label should also identify CFU (Colony Forming Units): • The number of CFUs (live microorganisms) per gram; • The number of CFU’s per serving What Are CFUs? CFU is an acronym for colony-forming units, which are a scientific measurement of the viable microbes (bacteria) in a probiotic. . Affective CFUs per Gram Make sure that the supplement you purchase contains at least 20 million CFUs per gram - a product that contains billions of CFUs is however more desirable. Meet or Exceeds GMP Requirements To make sure you are purchasing a quality probiotic, look for products that meet or exceed the ‘Good Manufacturing Products’ (GMP) ISO Requirements. This may not be noted on the label, so you may have to contact the manufacturer or look on-line. All in all, daily use of probiotics is a good idea. A balanced intestinal system can fight off infection and disease easier than those with imbalance. Feeding your pet a high quality pet food is important as well. Probiotics we like: Dr. Mercola's probiotic supplement, TotalBiotics by NWC Naturals, Probiotic Max by Dogzymes, and Pro Bloom Instant Goat's Milk. Note: Live-culture yogurt also contains acidophilus, but does not contain the necessary amount of probiotics for dogs

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